About the Blog and Me

About the Blog

If you are interested in China, you would like the site. 
It's not a text book, in fact, many stereotypes in those books are incorrect. I'm trying to extract the essence and combine different opinions to tell attractive and informative stories, hope you like it. If you have any suggestion, please let me know.

I started the blog for the following reasons:

  1. It's hard for people to understand each other, even between family members, friends and lovers, let alone people from different countries. Misunderstanding always leads to conflict and even wars, which I think is quite a pity. So I want to share what I know about my country, and hopefully, I can get to know other people and their culture and livies as well.
  2. I really like my country's history and culture, it's amazing. You may have heard some famous people and typical things about China, but it's only superficial. When I travelled in an ethic minority region, the guide said, you could never truly understand local culture and customs unless you live there for more than 5 years. Well, I'm not saying you should live here, I mean, I have a lot more to tell.

    I had hesitated for a while, because:

    1. It's an age of information, if you want to know something, you just need to google. 
    2. As you may have noticed, English is my second language, I'm a little worried about reader experience. 

      Finally I decided to "just do it". Google doesn't know all, my English can only get better and better, and it's not too bad now, right?

      About Me

      I'm a ordinary Chinese person, not a professional. However, I started reading history early and have read many traditional classics. So I guess I do know some interesting things and it's a good thing to share them.

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