Showing posts with label Preface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preface. Show all posts



History--Between True and False

History is a field including too many secrets which are not supposed to be known. However, our historical stories are very rich, people may wonder, how do you know that? Well, I have no idea, many stories are from ancient historians who are also a part of secrets now.
Once there was a historian, I don't remember his name. What I know is, he planned to write a historical monumental book. But one day, a friend of him visited him, they had different opinions about one thing just happened in front of them. And then he realized, we couldn't identify what's happening now, how could we say for sure what happened in the past? I think he made a point, especially rulers usually tend to change history records to make them look better.
Still, we can get real things from history, we have a saying:
When you pretend, something real becomes unreal, and vice verse.
Just enjoy the stories.

Culture--Enjoy the Little Pieces

Culture is quite a big theme containing many aspects. I'll tell inch by inch. Don't bother to understand all the things soon, an ancient poet named Tao Yuanming had said:" I love reading, but I don't intend to understand the deep meaning behind the words. Each time when I comprehend the implications from my readings, I will be extremely happy and even forget to eat." It's like a puzzle, you need to collect the pieces and then get the whole picture. Just enjoy the process, and every piece counts.
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